Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris

            Selamat sore, hampir beberapa hari ini tidak dapat menulis di blog, dikarenakan saya harus fokus dengan Kuliah saya yang baru saya jalani beberapa bulan lalu sebagai Mahasiswa baru. hehe :-)
Sekarang saya akan mulai mencoba menjelaskan atau memposting tentang Essay yang pernah saya buat sewaktu dulu di salah satu tempat les Terkemuka.

Ini adalah contoh essay yang pernah saya buat.


        I.            Introductory paragraph
Thesis  statement : The three positive impacts of hydrogen are saving fosil fuel,reducing polution,and minimizing the greenhouse gas

      II.            The three positive impact of hydrogen  :
A.      Saving fosil fuel
B.      Reducing polution
C.      Minimizing the greenhouse gas

    III.            Concluding paragraph

          Di bawah ini penjelasan Outline yang di atas :

                 Have you ever heard about fuel cell? According to Wikipedia, “Fuel cell is a device that directly converts fuel such as hydrogen, gasoline ,alcohol or  methane into electricity.” Nowadays fuel availability is limited and even in some parts of the world, fuel has been so scarce to find. It happens because people always use it extravagantly without considering that it could start to thin out. On the other hand, the air has been contaminated by emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting in pollution here and there. Methane, gasoline, and alcohol are some major causes of it. Seeing and feeling this condition, we have to start to think to search for other sources of fuel—alternative energy sources. Hydrogen is a good alternative energy sources that we can take benefits from. But why hydrogen?   Unlike other energy sources, hydrogen is much more eco-friendly as it only releases water through vehicle’s combustion.  Besides, we can easily get and process it. As a matter of fact, the three positive impacts of hydrogen are saving fossil fuel, reducing air pollution, and minimizing green house effect.
Firstly, the positive impact by using hydrogen as our alternative fuel is saving fossil fuel. As mentioned before, fosil fuel starts to thin out. The Thining out of the reserve of fossil fuel and the growing up human population is very contradictory to the energy demand for human live and their economic social activities. We  can take Indonesia for example. "In recent years, in Indonesian national oil production try to decline caused by reduced oil reserves in Indonesia. Oil reserves in Indonesia currently only lived 18 more years after that most likely will be thin up."(Department of Energy, 2007) it means with increasing population will also increasing natural needed and transportation public. The coherence between increasing population and increasing natural needed and transportation makes a result in increasing demand of fuel oil consumption (BBM) which is natural resource that can not be renewable. Therefore, we have to find alternative energy to replace fosil fuel.
One of the alternative energy that can be developed is hydrogen. Hydrogen is  a kind of non fosil alternative energy. “Hydrogen can be produced from nuclear and reneweble energy by a number of processes,such as water electrolysis, natural gas reforming, gasification of coal and biomass, water splitting by high-temperature heat, photo-electrolysis, and biological processes.” said Dolf Gielen and Giorgio Simbolotti (2005). It means hydrogen as energy alternative hydrogen can be produce with energy that much available in the word. For example ; Gasification is a process technology that converts coal from a solid fuel into gaseous fuel. Simply put, coal introduced into the reactor and slightly burned to produce heat. A number of air or oxygen is pumped and the burning controled with steam prosess. To make all burning prosess perfect. Untill carbon molekul in a coal spliting and converted to become “coal gas” . coal in indonesia much of available. Wikipedia said “In terms of quantity of coal including the most important fossil energy reserves for Indonesia. The numbers are very abundant, reaching tens of billion tons. This number is actually enough to supply the electricity needs of up to hundreds of years” with coal gasification we will be reduce use of oil fosil that play to thin out.
Secondly,   the positive impact by using hydrogen as our alternative fuel is reducing air polution, we know if the air polution causing by transportation, factory, volcano, and forest fire are impact to air polution. Vehicle is one of negative impact from air polution, “The transportation in sector is a major contributor to enviromental problems. It is the source of over 30% of global Nox emmisions, 23% of CO2 emmisions and 18% of Co emissions. Its contribution to local environmental problems is even higher, because it is also a major emitter of organic compounds and particulates” said Dolf Gielen and Giorgio Simbolotti (2005). Refering to the statement it means the most impact air polution causing from vehicle come from prosess combistion fosil fuel that not clear, the day of a day number of vehicle become more than before and not accompanied with tree planting.
Then population growth quite rapidly and it will be making worst air polution impact .We knew air polution have a bad impact for our healty, importantly for our breathing. Beside that if amount of dust that floating in the air it can cause irritation to your eyes. And in the long time it can cause heart statement, because many levels of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere.we should reduce carbon monoxide in atmosphere and reduce CO2 emmission. 
 “as we know hydrogen cars do not have carbon emissions from exhaust just out of water just a side effect”(anonymous” 2012).
Acording to the statement hydrogen experience clear prosess, without make CO2 gas .combustion just make water. The combustion is water it can be reneaweble, because hidrogen and oxigen come from water. With proses electrolisis ( spliting water to make hydrogen and oxigen) we can produce hydrogen and oxigen unlimeted and the proses in the picture above can be go on continously. It means if we want to reduce polution we must be use hydrogen step by step to reduce it, in order that we will be healty more because content from emmision from vehicle will be reduce.
Last but not least, the positive impact by using hydrogen as our alternative fuel is minimizing green house effect. as we know . Wikipedia stated “green house effect causing  because go up concentration gan carbon dioxide(C02), and other gas in atmosphere. Go up concentration this gas CO2 it cause combustion from fosil fuel and other fuel that exceed ability of plants and sea to absorp.
For example: Energy sun that come to earth,
-25% reflected by clouds or other particles in the atmosphere     
- 25% absorbed by clouds                                                          
- 45% absorbed by the Earth's surface                                 
- 5% is reflected back by the earth's surface”                         
 Acording to the example and the statement, sun give an energy and some of the energy  25% reflected by clouds , 25 % energy absorbed by clouds , 45% absorbed by the earth’s surface and 5% that must be reflected back by earth’s surface but it detained in atmosphere because of go up gas of carbon dioxcide and other gas . Then it traped in atmosphere,because of go up concentration gas in atmosphere . that must be 5% that reflected back by the earth surface it traped in atmosphere and the consequently our earth become more warm. In fact, green house effect from normal conditon it needs because with green house effect differencess between temperature day and night not to different.
We can reduce green house effect by reduce emission from vehicle with use hydrogen. “combustion effect of these tools in the vehicle. The results make the components inside the machine becomes more clear. And reduce the carbon content in the machine, also the carbon content in the gases of combustion engines in vehicles. CO gas is produced and secreted in exhaust public transport, carbon content that have toxic make our environment be more diminish”(“anonymous 2012”). Refering to the statement, the prosess combustion use hydrogen more clear,  prosess combustion hydrogen from engine more clear than use fuel from fosil fuel that have much of emmision esspecially carbon dioxcide that can make stacking concentration gas in atmosphere .

In conclusion, the positive impacts of hydrogen are saving fossil fuel, reducing air pollution, and minimizing green house effect. Use fosil fuel continuosly will be make thin out and beside that polution will be become side effect from fosil fuel. So we have use alternative energy like hydrogen that can save fosil fuel because hydrogen easy to use and didnt have negative impact like polution or green house that can make global warming.
Itu adalah salah satu contoh essay yang dulu saya pernah buat. sebenarnya membuat essay sangatlah mudah asalkan kita rajin dalam mempelajari sesuatu hal yang ingin kita bisa.